About me

Hi there, I'm Rodney. Thanks for passing by and checking out my blog.

This is my personal portfolio blog which I started to promote my writing talents.

I'm a Content marketing executive by day and have been blogging and freelance writing since 2009.

So what's the blog all about?

I read a ridiculous amount of stuff everyday; in newspapers, magazines, websites and blogs, and I love to keep up to date with all types of news and current affairs.

I decided my blog would be a chance to write about my personal thoughts and opinions on recent news stories.

Stories and topics I've read about, seen on television, or discussed with other people. It could be anything from politics, current affairs, sport, music, popular culture. I have an opinion on most things.

Really, I wanted to write about those stories that have interested, inspired or annoyed me.

The blog is like an online diary of the type of chats, discussions and debates I might have with family, friends and work colleagues.

In recent years I've really embraced the whole world of digital and social media. In the spirit of blogging, my blog isn't just about me telling the world what I think; it's also a chance to share thoughts and opinions with others. For that reason any comments are always welcome.

Hopefully you should find something of interest on here.

Enjoy the blog!

Further information and contact details below:

See my website at: http://rodney-dennis.com/

Email me at: write2rodneyd@hotmail.com

Follow me on Twitter: Rodneyd75

See my Linkedin Profile: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/rodneyd75