Wednesday, 4 January 2012

A long time coming

So finally after 18 long years Gary Dobson and David Norris were jailed for the murder of Stephen Lawrence.

I wasn't too sure I could really add anything more to what's already been said about the Lawrence murder trial. I suppose for me like many people, there's a sense of quiet satisfaction that justice has been done, even though its been too long in coming.

It's been a remarkable case that's been a part of the nation's conscious for so many years.

I've really admired and respected the drive and determination from Neville and Doreen Lawrence to never give up and seek justice for Stephen. Their conduct over the last 18 years has shown how tragic or extraordinary events can catapult ordinary people into positions where they can make a real difference in public life.

Although Stephen's death was a racist murder, his parents showed this wasn't something that only related to black people, this was a crime that everyone could identify with. They were two ordinary parents who'd seen their son murdered, and could see that the police weren't doing enough and justice wasn't being done.

To me it doesn't matter who you are or what background you come from, it's about what's right and wrong, what's fair and just.

Credit to the Daily Mail

One thing I've noticed today is that there's been a lot of credit going out to the Daily Mail in terms of its coverage of the case, and in particular its now famous 1997 front page, when it accused the 5 main suspects of being murderers.

The Mail gets a lot of stick from many people, and on a lot of occasions deservedly so, but credit must be given to the paper.

The Mail's coverage helped elevate the case to another level, in the sense that the Mail represents the views, aspirations and fears of 'Middle England'.

I've heard reliable stories in the past that say the Mail hasn't always been interested in the lives of Britain's ethnic minorities, but by championing the case it sent a message to its readers that this was a case that affected everyone.

Wow can't believe I'm bigging up the Daily Mail!

1 comment:

  1. I agree the Mail's coverage was surprisingly supportive and ensured the coverage of the trial was extensive, thorough and given a high profile. Well done!
