Wednesday, 11 April 2012

London Mayoral Elections 2012

I'm feeling a bit indifferent to the London Mayoral Elections.

I know I shouldn't feel this way. I'm all for elected Mayors, not just in London but I'd like to see them in other major UK cities.

I think my problem is that I don't feel it really matters to me who gets elected. I don't think it will have a huge impact on my life living in London.

Secondly, we've got a re-run of the 2008 election in terms of the candidates for the 3 main parties. Obviously there's Boris the current mayor, Ken who's running for a third term and Brian Paddock who ran for the Lib Dems last time.

It's all got a bit of a Groundhog Day feel to it.

In theory it shouldn't feel this way.

In London you've got two big personalities, in Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson. They're both controversial and divisive depending on who you talk too. How many politicians are there in the country who are immediately known by just their first names?

With so many identikit, personality lacking politicians around, this year's London elections should be really exciting, but it doesn't feel that way for me.

Of course I will be voting, one I get my name back on the electoral register (I've got until next Wednesday to get my form in).

I won't be voting for Ken. I voted for him reluctantly in 2004, but decided to go with Brian Paddock in 2007.

Ken's had his time, and I feel there's an arrogance about him. I say this in the sense that it's as if he sees the role of Mayor as being his own personal job.

In 2000 when he got elected he was the maverick anti establishment candidate, defying the Labour Party. This isn't the case now, he's now been pulled back into the establishment mold.

To be honest, I wouldn't have a problem with Boris getting re-elected, but I don't vote Tory (how I envy the floating voter)so I can't go there. The only problem I have with Boris is that it's commonly known within political circles that he's ruthlessly ambitious.

His ultimate goal isn't just to become leader of the Tory Party, but to become Prime Minister. There's a feeling that he's using the position of Mayor as a stepping stone to something bigger and better. Is that what people want from an elected Mayor?

As for Brian Paddock, this time round I can only shrug my shoulders.

I'm seriously considering voting for an independent candidate just to shake things up a bit. I'm beginning to understand why minority parties and independents are starting to hold a greater appeal to people.

I can't quite explain what it is, but it's about sending a message out to the main parties that says, people want something different; although I'm not really sure what that is. but it must be something otherwise I wouldn't have this feeling of indifference.

If you're a Londoner, how do you feel about the elections? Who will you be voting for and why?

Let us know

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