Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Say hello to the i paper

I picked up a copy of the new i paper yesterday.

It's the first new national newspaper to be launched in the the UK since 1986.

It's only 20p, although I got it for free through vouchers given away in Monday's Evening Standard.

The i paper's been set up by the Independent - you could call it the Independent's little brother.

First impressions - it's essentially a more in depth Metro.

In yesterday's Evening Stardard there was a mini pull introducing i to readers.

The idea behind the paper is that in our modern lives we're constantly bombarded with news and information. Whether it's from TV, the press, radio, the internet, it's overwhelming, and we don't have enough time to make sense of it all.

I've got to say I agree with this. I sometimes feel I have information overload, there's so much stuff out there that I want to know about but don't have time to take it all in.

This is the role that the i paper has according to it's own press release, in that it's there to make sense of all this news in a simple straightforward manner. In their own words they say:

"i cuts through this information overload to give you all you need. It distinguishes what matters from what doesn't and gets straight to the point."

The editor of the Independent, Simon Kelner who's also responsible for overseeing the new paper was quoted saying:

"With the launch of the i, we are creating a new type of newspaper, attractive to those who prize intelligence, conveniences and desirability"

The i paper is the paper for the internet generation. People are so busy these days, they don't have the time or patience to read about a story in any great depth.

We want the facts immediately, we want to know what's happening, why it's happening, and what it all means before quickly moving on to the next thing.

This is what i paper is trying to do. People who want some serious news, but who are struggling for time and just want the key facts of a story in simple easily understood way.

I admit myself, If I buy the Times or the Guardian on a week day, I never read it all because I haven't got the time.

On the internet people don't really read many stories. Instead they scan information hopping from one site to another looking for something that grabs their attention. I think the i is trying to capture this type of reader.

It's a brave move to launch a new national newspaper, there's no sign of newspaper sales increasing and all I ever hear are doom and gloom stories about the future of the press.

The challenge for the i will be whether it can persuade those people used to getting their news for free either in the form of the Metro or online to pay 20p for it.

I should ask myself this question. I've got vouchers from the Evening Standard which means I can get it for free for this week, but am I going to pay for it? I'll let you know.

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