Thursday 9 August 2012

London 2012: New role models for women

If there's been one theme that's dominated the Olympics so far, it's been the success of female athletes.

We've been introduced to a number of women athletes from a range of sports winning medals for Team GB.

I can't remember a time where women have been so prominent in sport. It's an interesting development. I've noticed myself that I've never watched as much female sport in the last week.

I've watched women's cycling, basketball, volleyball, badminton, rowing, football and athletics.

Dani King, Joanna Rowsell, and Laura Trott celebrate winning cycling gold in the women's team pursuit.

Rather than watching these sports and thinking the women's version is inferior to the mens; I've appreciated the skills and qualities from women athletes on their own merits. The women's basketball for example has been brilliant.

It'll be interesting to see whether the success of women and the coverage they've received will give young girls and women new role models to look up to.

I'd like to think so. For too long we've had a diet of reality tv stars, footballers wives and celebrity culture dominating - giving an unreal idea of what being successful is all about.

The Olympics has provided an alternative where women's success has been based on commitment, dedication, hard work and skill - not merely having good looks.

Perhaps some of us are getting carried away with the success of the Olympics. The fear is that in a few months time we'll return to a celebrity culture of the likes of the Kardashians, TOWIE and instant success represented by The X Factor.

When they talk about legacies after the Games, hopefully we can see more women getting involved in sport and sport providing an alternative in terms of role models and healthy lifestyles to pursue.

What do you think?

Further reading

Bye bye, Kardashians: Olympic athletes give women new, strong role models

Women’s 2012 succes is a stepping stone to equality in sport,

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