Friday, 3 August 2012

London 2012: Stratford a town transformed

If having the Olympics in London and the UK wasn't already incredible, the fact I live in Stratford and the Olympic Park is a 20 minute walk from my house has made the games even more special

I've lived in Stratford for four years. Previously I'd been up the road in Bow and Mile End and I was sad to be leaving when I decided to move down to Stratford.

Stratford Town Centre

Anyone who knows East London will admit Stratford has never been the kind of place that's been attractive, cool or up and coming.

When people talk about Olympic legacies, a good place to start is by looking at Stratford itself. I feel like I'm living in a different place.

In four years I've watched the entire Olympic site be built, the Olympic stadium, the park, athletes village and the Westfields shopping centre.

Inside the Westfields shopping center

These all look amazing, but there's been a transformation of the old town as well. For so long Stratford always felt a bit grimey, down at heel, lacking in style, but all of a sudden Stratford's become something different.

It's as if a fairy god mother has come along and waved a magic wand and made Stratford beautiful!

I see the same streets and buildings I've always seen - when I walk through the town but something's different now.

The town has a different feel and vibe about it; I can't even explain what it is but It's just something I feel.

Whatever it is, Stratford will never be the same again but it will have changed for the better.

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